Sonic Fan Wiki

Prologue: Catalyst[]

A lone figure stood, holding the neck of a Kabletech soldier tight in her grip. As his superior officer watched, the young girl began to drain the liquid from his body, droplets forming around her clenched hand. When the girl had finished, the soldier's body dropped lifeless to the ground, ending up in a crumpled heap. One tranquilizer dart later, she too was unconscious, gathered in rough hands. It was to be the first of many long years when the war against the Gifted had begun...

Part 1: An Escape Plan[]

The dark cell was cramped. Cramped and cold. Reens dug the metal spoon into the wall, crossing off another day. It had been years since she had first been captured and tortured for information. She was thin as a rail, shivering in the thin blanket that a fellow cellmate had stolen for her before they were killed.

A harsh banging came from the front bars of her cell. "Hey! You! Wake up!" a guard yelled. Reens jumped up in fear. "Food's here," the guard gruffed, pushing a metal tray full of slop towards her. "Are you going to tell us where the rest of them are now?"

"I've told you a thousand times, I don't know where they are," Reens replied. Her voice was raspy from lack of water, and she coughed before continuing. "Please... I've been truthful. What you're doing is wrong!"

"Shut up!" the guard yelled, backhanding her back into her corner. "I'll let Kable know you still aren't cooperating. Oh, and don't try eating. You don't deserve it," he added, taking the tray back. Reens simply sat up, cradling her nose, which had been broken a few times before, as it stung. She knew the prison like the back of her hand, and was simply waiting for the right time to escape.

The girl in the next cell knew what she was thinking. She knew what everyone was thinking, and it was driving her insane. Natalie dug her nails into her scalp, trying to shut off her telepathy, but she couldn’t. Whatever...this place had done to her had damaged her telepathy. All her other powers, however, seemed to be in perfect working order. All she had to do was wait for a guard.
