Sonic Fan Wiki

This is a page about Kennedy the Chaos Tiger, a character counterpart to Mackenzie Hartley created by MaxIrvaron
Cquote1 If anyone threatens to disturb the peace of this world, to ruin the concept of life... let them know that they will soon learn the concept of death when I'm done with them! Cquote2
Kennedy, talking to White

This character's sixstat code is 676457

When there is light, there is darkness. When there is fire, there is ice. When there is a cocky anti-hero, there is a calm hero. Welcome, folks, to the page of Mackenzie Hartley's counterpart, Kennedy McLeod!

Note: There will be spoilers in History. Read with caution.


"Don't think we're the same. I'd rather be trapped in that Emerald again then be confused with you." Images by XophPsycho and CrimsonFlame, thanks!

Kennedy McLeod
Character Name Kennedy McLeod
Full Name Kennedy McLeod
Nicknames Ken (by close friends), Konton (formerly), Chaos Mac (commonly, though people calling him this tick him off), Chronogazer, Chaos Menace, Chaos Mouse (by White), The Master of Chaos
Age As old as the Emeralds
Gender Technically he's sexless, but his gender identity is male.
Species Chaos Energy-filled being that was infused with Macknezie Hartley's life force
Alignment Lawful Good
Relationship Status
Height 3'9
Weight 83 lbs.
Birthplace Angel Island
Current Residence Hartley Mansions
Relatives Mackenzie Hartley (life-infused counterpart)

Mackenzie's family (technically his relatives)

Affiliations {{{Affiliations}}}
Likes Kennedy is a fan of quietness, not liking terror unless he's the one causing it and he has a good reason to. He hates loud music, shouting, and all things that disturb him from doing quiet things.

He likes to read literature. Fanfictions, books, media, visual novels, if it's something he can read, then he will read it. He doesn't know why he likes reading so much, but he's very intrigued by it.

He also likes things that make you think. Puzzles, brain teasers, crossword puzzles, riddles, you name it. He likes to get "smarter" by doing this.


Dislikes Loud music. Just... no! If you put on most of the songs on the RWBY soundtrack, he tell you to shut it off before you're even an attosecond into the song.

Loud things in general. While loud songs tick him off the most, if you're yelling at him, he won't yell back - he'll just tell you to talk in a normal voice.

Don't even get him started on dummies. He doesn't scoff at them, he doesn't make them feel terrible, but internally, he's going "How is a person like this even possible to be like this?!"

Friends Schnee, Alexia, Terra, Scarlet, White, and Tina.
Foes Mackenzie Hartley, Eggman & his robots, those who steal things like the Emeralds
Romantic Interests
Occupation Extreme Gearist (he dislikes the loud sounds, but hey, i's a good way to earn money)
Skills {{{Skills}}}
Abilities {{{Abilities}}}
Powers {{{Powers}}}
Weaponry {{{Weaponry}}}
Show/Hide Infobox


Kennedy looks very similar to Mac, in which he has a Spanish-esque skin tone, bangless hair that droops down on the sides of his head, the build of a tiger, and a monkey-like tail. However, Kennedy's eyes are grey and are separate and not conjoined, the shags on the side of his head point upward, and his tail is more organized, with a slightly fixed posture.

Kennedy likes to wear cyan, fingerless gloves that Scarlet gave him because she thought that they'd make him look "cool." He has rather long black pants which he wears a LOT. He also wears a black, buttoned jacket that has a purple short-sleeve shirt underneath.


Kennedy is basically sane Mackenzie. He thinks things rationally instead of charging head-on. His calmness can turn into aggravation when annoyed, but he keeps his temper under control. At least, he tries. Sometimes he freaks out, but that's only when he's dealing with folks so annoying, he kinda has to.

He tries to be the best person he can be, almost always giving 100% in what he does. He is also compassionate to levels past a lot of people's - instead of only being kind to those in need, he's nice to pretty much everyone he meets. Even though he's very old himself, he still addresses strangers with the utmost respect.

Kennedy can take an emotional beating. He will not cry if ten bullies just keep on pounding - he'll simply glance at them and continue with his day. To him, bullies are just fools who make fun of others because they have nothing better to do in their lives.

As he was trapped inside the Master Emerald, he saw just what humanity was like - some people are so scared, scared to defend themselves. Because of this insight, he steps in whenever he sees anyone in trouble - even if they're people he hates. He can be seen as the calm big brother figure for many people.

He thinks that life is an amazing thing, to live freely without limits. He often dreams about thoughts or the future because the concept of living is just so fascinating to him.

Kennedy has one strength that is more than just kindness; common sense. He thinks things through, noticing possible effects, and then he does whatever he is trying to do. This is one of the main differences between him and Mac.

Of course, when there are strengths, there must be weaknesses also. Here are some of them that are very notable.

Kennedy isn't too nice, but he has some trouble letting people down. He has some trouble stopping people from making stupid decisions when he knows that he should stop them, unless it's so dangerous he can't help himself. Because of this, he prefers to go solo on things - he believes that while others are important, at times, they'll just weigh him down.

Kennedy is pretty cocky. Not so high that he's obnoxious, but high enough that he still thinks he's pretty good at things to at least think he's in the Top 10. While this doesn't affect his mindset too much, it can get him into trouble with other people who have this flaw.

He is also very charismatic and influential, able to persuade people to join a cause with good manners. He'll ask anyone if they would like a drink like a butler even if he isn't in a job as one, say "Sir" and "Miss" as seen above, and even sacrifice his own time just to help someone. He believes that to do good in the world and to make up for past sins, you have to be the best person you can be, for you can either leave a bad mark on the world, or make Mobius remember the tiger who always tried to help.

The reason Kennedy is so set on helping people is not only because he feels bad about his destruction as Konton. When Hikari, the positive Chaos Energy, was used to transform heroes and villains alike into super forms are to teleport them through space-time, Hikari learned more about their character - usually, their heroism. Because of that, Hikari was always wanted his own chance to contribute to helping the world, and because Hikari is a part of Kennedy, it transfers to him. All Kennedy wants is a perfect world, where he feels like he truly made a difference.

When reminded about Konton, however, Kennedy gets pissed off immediately. Like, even mentioning the grey terror will cause Kennedy to completely shut down and become a lot more moody. He doesn't like being reminded of the one who got him into so much trouble; even though he's put it behind him, he'll send a gloomy aura if you remind him.

Kennedy, when he has nothing to do, will not be the one to strike up a conversation. If he's bored, the first thought that comes to his mind is to read a book or exercise, not to go hang out with his friends. Due to this, he is easily seen as the second-to-most "quiet one" of the cast, with the only person in front of him being Alexia the Hedgehog.

He is usually very patient with other people, but if annoyed to a large extent... just don't get near him, or else he'll give you the lecture of the decade. However, this doesn't happen a lot because of his willingness to give people a chance to see how stupid they're being.


Konton Chaos Kennedy didn't always have the form he has now. In fact, he isn't even supposed to be the species he is now. Schnee Ainekas the Hedgehog wanted to have a robot servant... but with lots of power and super-Mobian abilities, being as extreme as she is. She decided that she'd find a way to get Chaos Energy in order to power this robot. She called upon her friends, Mackenzie Hartley the Tiger and Scarlet June the Fox to help her make this Chaos bot, and they agreed. There was one issue, however.... the only sources of Chaos Energy were the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald, and they didn't have any idea where the Chaos Emeralds were. They collectively decided to go to Angel Island and hunt for the Master Emerald. Given its huge energy signatures, it didn't take the trio long to find it, and while Scarlet distracted Knuckles, Mac and Schnee took the Master Emerald back to Schnee's place. Schnee extracted Chaos Energy from the Master Emerald and held it in a place where she was mostly sure it couldn't escape. Then, to give it Mobian form, she asked for Mac's DNA. She got it after a bit of arguing, but before she could put Mac's DNA in the extracted Chaos Energy, its sheer power allowed it to escape its confinement, and it took the physical form of a pitch-black hedgehog.

It introduced itself to the group maliciously, giving itself the name Konton. It said that it was part of the Chaos Force that flowed through the universe, and it was glad that some were foolish enough to give it a chance at life. Konton said that it was through being trapped for so long, and was ready to enjoy itself. Schnee rationalized that Konton's exposure out of the Emerald without a host of some sort caused the Chaos Energy to turn negative, and making him antagonistic towards them. Before the trio could put a halt to his plans, he teleported away.

Konton wreaked havoc across the area, not even just limiting himself to where he was "born," Trikon City. In his rampage, he traversed through several cities at insane speeds and just mindlessly destroying them without a care in the world. This strategy was successful for a few hours, about, when he was then confronted by several people; people known to the world as their saviors (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy), G.U.N. agents (Shadow, Rouge and Omega), and the very people who aided his creation along with some of their friends (Mac, Scarlet, Schnee, Terra, Alexia). Together, they all agreed to team up and battle the threat as a group; their numbers would surely overtake him.

They didn't.

Konton was charged with such high amounts of Chaos Energy, virtually no one stood a chance against him. He outsped, overpowered, and completely overwhelmed the group of 12 with ease, despite their various strategies. The only people who were any sort of challenge were when Shadow the Hedgehog removed his Inhibitor Rings (which Konton easily handled) and Mac transformed into his TAI form (again, Konton took care of that). Konton explained he was getting bored once he'd depleted all of the heroes' stamina, and was about to fly away to cause more chaos.

However, in a moment of desperation, Mac fired his pure life force energy at Konton before he was going to remove himself from the battle. This state of vulnerability questioned Konton's Chaos Energy, separating it into positive Chaos and negative Chaos before Mac's energy entered him. When Mac shot his life force, he pushed out the negative energy, and Konton transformed into a clothes-less grey tiger looking nearly exactly like Mac and then promply passed out.

When "Konton" next woke up, he was surrounded by Mac, Scarlet, Alexia, Terra, and Schnee (who was experimenting on him). Schnee explained the Konton situation, and noted that the negative Chaos was pushed out of him to who-knows-where. She explained that though Mac's DNA alone would've turned him into a Mobian-like robot, Mac's life force was enough to create a lifeform out of the Chaos Energy. "Konton" was filled with incredible guilt, thinking about his horrible actions. He thought about the people he harmed, and how Chaos Energy wasn't supposed to be used in such an evil way, and thus he apologized profusely to the group.

They all accepted without much convincing, and Schnee realized that Konton needed a new name to not affiliate himself with the berserker he was before. Mac did a bit of research on his phone, looking for names with the most embarrassing meaning, and he named Konton "Kennedy McLeod" (the names both meaning "ugly," though Kennedy himself wouldn't know for a long time). With this new identity, Kennedy set out to redeem himself, and through all of his powers that stayed from his form's transition, he dedicated his life to becoming a public hero in times of trouble.


Because half of Kennedy is made out of Chaos Energy, he is naturally someone who can manipulate it. Whenever he manifests it, he takes some of it out of his own defense and uses it to battle. However, it is possible to override it - if he uses too much energy, his defense goes down, and either he gets a lot weaker (as seen in The Curse of Day in his battle against Mac) or his defense resembles on of a normal human's. He can recharge by resting or being near a power source, but it would take him about fifteen minutes to regain a quarter of his normal energy output.

Kennedy also has the ability to sense energy n a near-precognitive way. If he sens you trying to put all of your effort into one attack, he's going to know that and put all of his effort into defending. Sensing energy also allows him to teleport - we'll get to that later. However, there are two major flaws to this ability also - one, if his opponent's energy output is too much, he can't sense it, and two, he relies on it far too much. It is very easy to psyche Kennedy out with an attack if you trick his senses.

Kennedy has an ability that naturally comes with Chaos Energy - being able to stop or manipulate time or space. He is able to distort it in several ways - one, he can use it to teleport a maximum of abut three cities far, but doing that leaves him weak (as seen in TCoD), so he prefer to use short bursts of teleportation to confuse his opponent - two, he can use this to control both his own and others' gravity... to an extent, he can control his weight and mass and he can lift people a maximum of two meters off the ground - or three, he can use it for telepathy and being able to speak with someone through their mind. However, all of these use up some of his energy output so he cannot use two in conjunction.

Next, Kennedy can shapeshift... to a very limited extent. He hasn't been in his physical form for too long - as of now, he can only turn his arm into objects, and even then, he only knows how to turn it into one. Still, instead of trying to create many different forms of shapeshifting, Kennedy focuses on this one aspect - he can create his arm into an extendable purple energy blade. However, it is pure energy, and if you are able to overpower it, it will disappear from Kennedy's energy output.

Finally, a flaw/advantage Kennedy has is being able to control how much energy he releases at once. No matter how much he may look it, Kennedy does not have complete control of his energy output - his "base" form (for simplicity) is only about 50% control. If he lowers his control, then his irises, aura and attacks become green, and though he becomes a lot stronger (depending on how much energy he has to release in the first place), his defense truly suffers, and if you are able to land a string of attacks on him, you will most likely win. Lowering control is very risky, for another reason - if he allows himself to turn some of his neutral energy into negative Chaos Energy, then he shall have some of his former self, Konton in him, resembling a dark form. But where there is darkness, there is also light - if Kennedy gains more control over his energy output (and it is noticeably more difficult to gain than lose control) than he gains a purple aura and he gets a general stat boost. This is more akin to a super form, even though Kennedy would be stronger if he lost control.

Then, there is all of this "my existence is chained" crap he has to deal with. If Mac dies and his life force is completely erased, Kennedy dies - at least, the Mac part of him is separated from him and it traps Hikari in the Master Emerald again. However, if someone somehow got to destroy the Chaos Force, or at least the Lamak Zone's connection to it - that would cause the Hikari side of him to die, trapping the Mac side in Mac's mind. If both happen, he's dead. Like, dead for real. No way of bringing him back. You could also completely obliterate his particles to kill him, but not many people can do that.

Now, here's a counter-strength - Kennedy has a small healing factor. He can shrug off being stabbed in the heart, take ten shots to the brain, and regenerate a lost limb in three minutes, tops. However, as a counter-strength-counter, his healing factor can be overtaxed, causing him to heal much more slowly - or, in lethal cases, not heal at all.


Kennedy is a decently skilled hunter, and though he isn't the best, it doesn't matter all too much because he isn't an active hunter. Hunting is made easier for him because he has this "energy-sight" where everything he sees is neon green or white and he can see the energy flows in the air. This "energy-sensing" ability allows him to find trails of things. (Because of this, Kennedy can usually retrieve things he lost.)

Kennedy is fairly intelligent more of the time, using his wits to formulate plans and put them into action. He is very adaptable, and he can master things within a relatively short amount of time (for example, if he had three hours each day, he could learn Spanish in three months). However, one thing he lacks is the ability to be encouraging to people who aren't his friends - this is seen in Depths of Dimensions, where when medusa unleashes an outburst of how morality isn't black and white, Kennedy doesn't know how to console her.


Kennedy, after Mac taught him how to (with multiple faceplams being facepalmed), learned how to ride Extreme Gear. He's pretty good, too - his first races were terrible, but he started getting better, with his highest placing being second - and when he's not second nowadays, he's either fifth, fourth, or third.

Kennedy's reaction speed is crazy fast, being able to react to things very quickly by reading movements. This allows him to have very fast movements, and being able to counter attacks. Energy-sensing also assists with this ability.


Ignite (Sword Art Online)[]

Represents his relationship with Jana-Su.

Crossing Field (SAO; NateWantsToBattle)[]

It shows how he feels about his past.'

Monochrome Memory (Seth's Theme)[]

It has a feel to it that represents Kennedy.



Friends and Allies[]

Nothing as of late, but eventally, Kennedy will meet Sonic and his friends and possibly become friends with them. As of now, though he's heard of them, he has no idea what they're really like.

Foes and Rivals[]

  • Dr. Eggman & his robots

Kennedy sees Eggman as a foolish threat. Robotizing all the citizens of Mobius isn't something he likes about Robotnik. Everytime the Doctor starts something, Kennedy works his hardest to shut it down. Too bad Eggman never quits... oh well. More beatings from Kennedy for him.


Friends and Allies[]

When Mac first introduced Ken to the great big world, Kennedy had a feeling Mac was going to try to mold him, so he openly tried to avoid Mac. This would create slight feelings of doubt between the two of them, and as time went on, Kennedy and Mac... didn't get along so great. In the beginning, Kennedy truly wondered if he was nothing but a carbon copy who didn't even deserve to be in the position he was in, and adding Mac onto all of that just made it a whole lot more difficult for him to move past these feelings. However, when Mac was busy confronting Luna, Kennedy could see that he wasn't all jokes and jerkiness - he also cared for people and things he believed him, and Ken had to give him credit for that. After the battle against Luna, the two were able to form a neutral bond.

In The Curse of Day, Mac takes Kennedy on an emotional rollercoaster, especially when he threatens to kill some of Kennedy's teammates, for he knew Mac would really do it if he had wanted to... and even moreso when Mac knocked out Alexia. Kennedy was wondering if that Mac he saw - the one who could actually be a, yet troubled, good person - was fake, but Mac revealed to him that the whole time, he just wanted to make up for his incompetence, and placing Kennedy in a situation he might not have wanted to be in. Kennedy was glad to see Mac had finally strayed away from the murderous sociopath attitude, and though he had unorthodox ways of communicating it, he knew Mac cared about him... and he did the same.

Even currently, the two commonly have their arguments and squabbles, with their conflicting personalities often causing them to fight. But still, the duo has a couple of good amount of happy moments they've shared, and they intend to have more as time goes on.

  • Schnee the Hedgehog

Kennedy likes Schnee's happy and excitable persona, for he knows that Schnee will always bring entertainment into the mix. The two contrast with each other a lot, and though they are both intelligent, they use their intelligence in different ways, which makes them closer, somehow. Schnee also trusts Kennedy enough to reveal her insecurities, such as her being afraid of not being special or if she was just weird, and Kennedy knows that he will try his best to help Schnee and allow her to move past these former feelings of fear.

Kennedy and Alexia go together like bread and butter, for they compliment each other very well. Alexia is a shy child, and honestly, she's a big softie, and Kennedy's protective older sibling-esque nature makes him feel the need to always be there for her. His care for Alexia is reciprocated, for Alexia also puts her own trust in Kennedy, and together, they often make it through their problems together.

These two have a lot of similarities that allow them to get along splendidly - them being mature and disciplined older sibling figures to the group causes them to have a good relationship. They work together well, and Kennedy will often help out with the village, knowing the burden of protecting something that you care about oh-so-much. They also share some hobbies, such as tennis - they actively play together. Kennedy's relationship with Alexia also helps.

When Kennedy had been reverted from Konton, Scarlet practically babysat him, refreshing his knowledge of the world and such. However, Kennedy would eventually become his own person, and he noticed that Scarlet didn't quite know what to make of him. As he truly got to know more about these people, however, he felt like he was able to connect with them more, especially Scarlet. The two are like siblings, showing a lot of care for each other even if they have quite different personas. Nevertheless, Scarlet will always show up when Kennedy needs help, and vice versa.

Kennedy and White can get along together pretty well. Even if they aren't together so much, they still manage to get along. Plus, Kennedy's friendship with Schnee inevitably means that he's going to be seeing White sometimes, and both of them are fine with that.

Tina has the air about her that seems to naturally want Kennedy to show her comfort... but she has to remind him constantly that she's not a kid, and - more importantly - he's not her dad. Despite this disconnection, the two have a pretty good relationship, as they are some of the more calm people of the large group. Kennedy knows Tina wishes everything would be normal, and he tries to show up for when things get strange.

Kennedy and Sephtis don't have anything against each other - Sephtis just doesn't feel like he ever wants to be around him, as he has the calm figure in White and the exciting model in Mac. Though Kennedy feels bad for Sephtis' past, knowing that he was brought up a born killer, the two get along fine whenever they have to.

Foes and Rivals[]

Kennedy truly is disgusted by Luna's behavior. The idea of killing was enough to put him off - one of the qualities about Mac and Scarlet that annoyed him. But when he was just the energy of the Chaos Force, he remembered Shadow, and his journey to defeat Black Doom... and how Black Doom and his species had such disregard for life, even if it was new. This fueled Kennedy to want to defeat Luna even more, and why he was so determined to help Mac stop what he thought was, and pretty much is, a monster.


"Perfection. I like it." -Achieving a S-Rank

"Good enough for me, I suppose." -Achieving an A-Rank

"It's better than nothing, which isn't saying much." -Achieving a B-Rank

"Hmph. I must do better the next time." -Achieving a C-Rank

"This was... not expected of me...." -Achieving a D-Rank

"Bah, this is worthless! How can this be?!" -Achieving an E-Rank

"People who make fun of you are like fire. A small amount you can just put out. If it grows stronger, you need more force. But if it eventually blazes so bright, you can't put it out yourself... that's when your friends, the firefighters, come to help you." -Kennedy's inspirational quote

"There's no way I'm going to let you take on one of your largest personal hurdles ever by yourself. It may not feel like it to you, but your devil-may-care attitude is going to get you killed, and that would be very unfortunate. I'm not leaving you behind, Mac, and that's a promise." -Kennedy when Mac told him he couldn't help in the battle against Luna

"I am not a toy to be used. I am not a robot to be programmed. My name is Kennedy McLeod, and if I want to do something, no one will stop me. Especially not you!" -Kennedy responding to Luna asking if he wants to be her servant if she spares his life



  • One could consider Kennedy a fusion of life and chaos; one could be correct.
  • Konton's voice actor is Doug Erholtz, and Kennedy's is David Vincent.
  • Kennedy has an Extreme Gear board called Seth.
  • To do list for his page:
    • Get started on relationships.
    • Finish his history.
    • Finish his personality.
    • Get reviews.
    • Add more stuff on my to-do list.