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The Phantom Menace

Luna had returned to planet Distrealea, where she'd been enslaving the Distrealeans to make her a ship. Due to planetary timezones, by the time she'd returned after her bout with the heroes, Luna'd come back to see a fully-built ship, just in the image she wanted; in the shape of Doom's Eye. It was being held up by two diagonal pillars; it was clear none of the Distrealeans wanted to disappoint their apparent customer, as the ship was in top condition. Luna smiled upon seeing it, and she patted a random Distrealean on the head. 

"It is done? Congratulations... this is probably the first useful thing your species has provided for the universe," Luna announced. The Distrealeans had no idea what she was saying, but they knew she was going to eradicate them if they hadn't, so they clapped for her. "I shall dub this ship... Doom's Eye!"

Luna teleported inside the Doom's Eye, making her intangible and allowing her to float through the ship until she found the control room, which was appropriately inside the eye. Well, this is rather simple. I've visited dimensions with this sort of tech before. Pulling all kinds of levers and pushing all types of buttons, Luna began to work the Doom's Eye, allowing it to be lifted above the ground. The Distrealeans clapped even more fiercely, and the eye opened, revealing Luna.

"What I shall do with this ship will reinvent the concept of reality," Luna announced, before the scepter manifested in her hand. "But unfortunately for this planet... that reality doesn't involve you." The half-crystal of Katastorphe began to glow teal, and then Luna pointed the scepter at the Distrealeans. Their eyes widened and they ran away in fear before she fired a small beam at the planet. Luna closed the eye of the ship and began to fly away into space before Distrealea promptly exploded, killing every living thing on it.

The lights aboard the Doom's Eye flickered briefly. For only a moment.

In that moment the air started to become still.

Dead. For only a moment.

There was a presence aboard the ship. But to the conqueror she would only sense a void.


For only a moment, stretched over an eternity.

The dreaded feeling of being watched.

For only a moment.

Luna rolled her third eye. Of course those idiotic Distrealeans have no manners as to make a faulty ship... once I complete my task, I'll bring them back just so that I can individually kill every last one of them. Luna then sensed the presence, only barely, but she seemed.... unbothered? An intruder already? My, so many people throughout the cosmos have such powerful death wishes, don't they?

I knnoowww yooouuuuu..... a long, drawn out voice said with no discernible location. It was everywhere, and nowhere.

A.... telepath?! Luna would look in all directions, her third eye glancing in the directions her other two weren't. "Whoever is here... I hope you acknowledge your incoming doom!"

As she faced back forward, there was suddenly a tall figure with a large mass of hair standing at the front of the bridge, looking through the glass and into the stars with their arms folded behind their back. They looked as if they had been standing there for a while.

His energy signatures... I can't sense them? Must be otherworldly. Luna pointed the scepter at the intruder. "State your business, fool. If you're lucky, I might give you some time to flee before I eradicate you."

"Or... do I...?" He spoke, tilting his head slightly. "Perhaps in another place, another time, another reality, another versionnn... we once crossed paths..."

"I ordered you to state your business! A lowly creature has no place among this ship!" Luna's scepter began to glow teal, and its power began to magnify. "I've been too kind already! I've destroyed solar systems for less!"

The air became still and dead once again. The stranger turned his head toward Luna, revealing two eyes laid vertically on this side of his face, with piercing red pupils amid dark, soulless voids. Time slowed to a crawl as they locked with her own.

"My business is simple. You... are the reason I am here. I was banished to the space between, waiting for a tear across dimensions to open so I may escape... an escape which you have facilitated. As such..." He completely turned to face Luna, his four eyes still locked onto hers. "...I am in your debt."

Luna's expression became one of shock for a second, not expecting this turn of events, but it changed back to a cold one afterwards. "Well... that was a twist. And here I thought that I was going to kill you." Luna lowered her eyelids, glaring at the newcomer. "What is it that makes you, after escaping from your prison.... want to help me? I'd cause chaos if I was in your position, not become someone's retainer."

He began to walk forward. "Because I believe we can work togetherrr to accomplish both of our goals..." He spoke. Stepping away from the window revealed his features. He appeared as a pale human, with a large amount of brown, silver-tipped hair and wearing black, formal looking attire. There appeared to be a dark gray substance covering the right side of his face and lower arms, with claw-like fingers sharpened to points. He stopped halfway across the original distance and smiled with sharp, jagged teeth. "You wouldn't be able to kill me anyway, so I see this as a desirable alternative..."

"You've got an unhealthy amount of pride, speaking to a godling as if I were some lowly mortal," Luna shot back, keeping the scepter focused on him. "How exactly do you even know what I want?"

"With the power amassed in that stick, your shredding of dimensional barriers and the destruction of that planet... It's clear that you have ambition." He answered, glaring a bit. "And speak for yourself about unhealthy pride. You don't even know what I am."

"I don't care what you are," Luna stated bluntly, glaring back. "Without the magnificent weapon you refer to as a 'stick,' I'm still a queen among peasants. With it, I retain my birthright; my privilege. I become a conqueror." Luna then smirked; it was clear her pride was beginning to bloat. "Why should I even take you on as one of my allies?"

He folded his arms. "Because you are a conqueror, and I am a destroyer. It would be more beneficial for both of us to be allies rather than enemies." He answered.

"You speak only the truth," Luna replied. "At least you acknowledge my superiority. But... what do you want for yourself? I doubt anyone imprisoned would want to perform random acts of kindness after being released. What is your ulterior motive, exactly?"

"I never said you were superior," He remarked, turning 90 degrees on his heel. "And my only goal is to fulfill my part in nature..." He tilted his head to look at her. "To return all existence to the void from whence it came. Of course, I'd be willing to spare some for you to rule over, should you agree. An indefinance is quite large, after all, so I'm sure we could make an arrangement..."

He just stood there with a cold smile.

"...the void, you say?" asked Luna, intrigued. "What is this void you speak of?"

He looked up slightly, staring into the space behind her. "...An infinite nothingness, beyond and between all forms of time, space, and reality... From which those, and all other things--from the atoms of this ship to the gods themselves--were born..." His eyes focused on her again, glaring. "...and of which I am a manifestation."

"...returning all to the void would mean utter and complete destruction, then," Luna noted. "Wouldn't that mean you intend to send yourself back to that nothingness as well?"

"Once my purpose is complete, yesss..." He gave an eerily content smile.

"I respect someone with drive, and it'd be foolish of me to not take you on after making such a good compromise... After all, I have no doubt that my retainers all have wishes of their own they want to fulfill. Hmm..." Luna tapped her foot for three seconds. "Alright. I'm willing to negotiate. What exactly do you want from me?"

"All I require a this time is the power to traverse dimensions. From there I can assist your allies in their hunt, and my own power will grow over time..." He shifted around a bit as he spoke. "After that, we can all discuss our shares and I can do my job."

"Hmm... give you the power to do it yourself?" Luna scratched her chin. My whole species was wiped out because of a traitor we couldn't handle... I'll have to be smarter than them, impossible as it seems.

Luna made the scepter vanish into thin air. "One condition. Sensing your signatures isn't enough. I need a taste of your power first hand in order to see if you're worth taking on." She folded her arms behind her back. "I want a spar. My mother can easily create a room capable of containing the both of us."
